Retrospective Media Scan: Coverage of SRHR, HIV and Sexual & Gender based Violence in Eastern and Southern Africa
Retrospective Media Scan: Coverage of SRHR, HIV and Sexual & Gender based Violence in Eastern and Southern Africa
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The purpose of the retrospective media scan was to provide comprehensive understanding of the communication environment, including both traditional and new media, influencers, existing country and regional level communication platforms, as well as key events to advance the SRHR/HIV and SGBV agenda. The media scan showed encouraging trends on coverage of SRHR, SGBV and HIV in the focus countries (Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). It demonstrated existing opportunities and showed gaps in the framing of issues or of thematic coverage such as in the areas of SGBV, SGBV survivor stories and the linkage of SGBV, SRHR and HIV to regional structures, i.e., SADC and EAC. Additionally, traditional and social media scans were also conducted between September 2021 and August 2022. For more information, please contact
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