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HIV & SRHR SBC Toolkit for Adolescents and Young People in ESA Region

HIV & SRHR SBC Toolkit for Adolescents and Young People in ESA Region


As part of the 2gether 4 SRHR joint UN programme, UNICEF ESARO in collaboration with Y+ Global and UNFPA ESARO, developed nine key question and answer (Q&A) resource documents on HIV and SRH for adolescents and young people in ESA. The toolkit has been developed to assist country teams in improving knowledge and understanding, driving adolescent and youth engagement and behaviour change,​ and promoting uptake of services in ESA. The content has been developed with adolescents and young people. Part of a broader toolkit, the content is intended for adaptation and use across multiple SBC platforms, including digital approaches scripts for radio shows and peer counselling sessions.

Each Q&A has approximately 10 questions, and links to the other topic areas:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Staying safe
  • Sex and other stuff
  • All about HIV
  • Living with HIV
  • Being a young parent
  • Understanding Puberty
  • The HPV Vaccine
  • Talking with Your Children

Click and watch on how to access and use the toolkit

Healthy relationships
6 MB
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Sex and other stuff
7 MB
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Living with HIV
8 MB
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Being a young parent
6 MB
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Understanding Puberty
8 MB
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The HPV Vaccine
6 MB
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Talking with Your Children
8 MB
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